
From the monthly archives: April 2020

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'April 2020'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Is There Mold In Your Air Ducts? 3 Ways To Eliminate It

Do you know mold can grow inside your air ducts? It’s true, so if you’ve been experiencing respiratory issues, skin rashes, itchy eyes, or even brain fog, those microscopic fungal spores may be to blame. At Dust Doctors, in our thousands upon thousands of duct cleaning hours, we’ve seen plenty of mold where homeowners would never think to look. Today, we’re discussing how to tell if you have mold in your air ducts, and what you can do about it if you do.

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How To Handle Seasonal Dust Accumulation: Your Year-Long Guide

Are outdoor temperatures and indoor dust accumulation related? You bet they are! Whether you’re tracking in outdoor debris from your summertime jaunts or shutting yourself in throughout the cold winter months, the weather plays a central role in the amount of dust within your home.

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Got Dirty Ducts? 4 Disgusting Thing You Didn’t Know Were In There

If your ducts are dirty, there’s a good chance they’re home to a variety of nasty critters and substances that can harm your health. Even though those organisms might never cross your mind, they’re probably making their way into your lungs on a daily basis. Curious what on earth could be lurking inside your dirty ductwork? Our Dust Doctors team dishes the dirt (ahem, dust) belo

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Dust Mites: Are They Dangerous for Your Health?

What’s one of the most common allergy triggers lurking inside your home? It’s not pollen, pet hair, peanut butter, or even gluten—it’s something far less noticeable, but far more repulsive. Haven’t got a clue? It’s dust mites, and if you have fabric or upholstery anywhere in your home, there’s a 100% chance you’re sharing your abode with these tiny critters. But here’s the real question: are they dangerous to your health? Our Dust Doctors team digs into the details below.

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